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FCR and Contract Courses

Full-Cost Recovery (FCR) Courses

Full-Cost Recovery (FCR) courses provide units the ability to deliver courses to address the needs of a specific population of students who would not otherwise enroll at Illinois State University - without the need to contract with an outside agency.

Utilize the following steps to expedite the processing of your FCR course submission:

  • Use the linked Excel spreadsheet 
  • This spreadsheet should include all your FCR courses for the upcoming semester. Please do not send this file until all courses are included.
  • This information is needed for course scheduling so complete the form as accurately as possible. NOTE: residual calculations are projections based on anticipated enrollment. Tuition waivers will impact these actual totals.
  • Submit this completed list of all courses at least 6 weeks before the start of the semester.
  • Chairs/Directors complete the spreadsheet and attach it to an email to the Dean/Associate Dean for approval.
  • Dean/Associate Dean will forward the spreadsheet to This represents college approval.
  • After all submissions have been approved by Dan Elkins, the courses will be added to the schedule. Please allow 3-5 days for these FCR courses to be added to the schedule.
  • Check the schedule to confirm your submissions 3-5 days after submitting.

Steps to take when a FCR course is cancelled:

  • Should you need to cancel an FCR course, please cancel the course with the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible.
  • Send an email to Amy Witzig ( with the following information related to the cancellation:
    • Semester, course department, course number and section, and reason for cancellation.
  • If the salary for this cancellation was distributed, the Office of the Provost initiates a transfer to reclaim the funding and return to central administration.
  • If you need to make any other changes to a previously submitted course, please contact Amy Witzig.

Contract Courses

This page is under construction. If needing to submit courses, please contact Amy Witzig

Contract Courses provide academic units the ability to partner with outside agencies to deliver courses to unique student populations.