6.1 Strengthen the effectiveness of the academic program review process and develop integrated and purposeful planning mechanisms to support new and existing programs
Initiative 1:
The academic planning web pages are being redesigned to provide improved support and guidance regarding the approval process for new program development. This redesign will also reflect new Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) requirements.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Ongoing
Provost Office Points of Contact: Ani Yazedjian and Cooper Cutting
Initiative 2:
The Financial Implications Form (FIF) that is used for new program development was revised and will be implemented in a new online workflow platform.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Beginning Fall 2022, the FIF will be filled out in the Kuali workflow and automation tool.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Ani Yazedjian and Cooper Cutting
Initiative 3:
A process is being developed for tracking and supporting programs that transition from face-to-face delivery to on-line delivery. This process is needed to come into compliance with new HLC requirements regarding substantive program changes.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Ongoing
Provost Office Point of Contact: Ani Yazedjian and Cooper Cutting
6.2 Emphasize the role of faculty and staff excellence in teaching and service to support student success
Initiative 1:
Conversation with Academic Leadership Council regarding annual assignment letters to reflect more accurately teaching/research & creative scholarship/service loads. Drafting of example assignment letter forthcoming.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Initial conversation held October 4. Example letter to be reviewed by Deans in May for implementation by August 15, 2022.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Craig Gatto
Initiative 2:
Regular conversations and gatherings of identified student success staff in each college, Academic Affairs units, Student Affairs units, and Technology Solutions to share ideas about common student success issues and opportunities.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Ongoing. Plans for formalization of structure to begin in summer 2022.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Amelia Noël-Elkins
6.3 Integrate both internal and external metrics regarding student, faculty, staff, and fiscal success as indicators of program excellence
Initiative 1:
Engage in discussions with stakeholders regarding relevant metrics (e.g., Fall 2021 Administrator’s symposium, Oct. 2021 Professional Development session: Student Success and Planning as Part of ISU’s Reaccreditation Process). In the October session, attendees considered ways to identify and deliver a definition of student success, provide metrics that provide a holistic snapshot of students’ success, and establish student success goals.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Ongoing. Initial delivery of student success data to deans, directors and chairs occured in early Spring 2022.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Cooper Cutting
6.4 Analyze and improve affordability for students
Initiative 1:
On an annual basis, benchmark our net price with other public 4-year institutions in Illinois and several out-of-state schools. Compared our net price data to that of the other institutions on the Department of Education’s affordability list. Developed a financial aid plan for FY23 that will reduce net price for our students.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Ongoing. Benchmarking is completed on an annual basis.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Jana Albrecht