5.1 Undertake a review and evaluation of the research support infrastructure and identify strategies to stimulate growth
Initiative 1:
Conversation with College Research Coordinators (CRCs) in monthly meetings; examining structure of Research and Sponsored Programs and proposing changes to increase efficiencies; compiling areas of research strength to propose foundation upon which to build.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Ongoing
Summer 2022 Update: During the 2021-22 academic year, the CRCs continued the discussion, as did the University Research Council. A proposal for enhancing our strength is forthcoming in fall 2022. An external review of ISU's Research Ethics and Compliance (REC) area within RSP, including human subjects research and animal care and use research was conducted during the academic year and recommended actions are expected by the end of summer.
Provost Office Points of Contact: Craig McLauchlan
Initiative 2:
Policy review begun -- Academic Senate is reviewing some policies; a group from Vice President for Finance & Planning and Research and Sponsored Programs is reviewing others; external review of Research Ethics and Compliance policies recently completed.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Ongoing
Summer 2022 Update: During the 2021-22 academic year, updated policies in Integrity in Research and Creative Scholarship (Policy 1.8) and Sabbatical Leave (Policy 3.2.8) were passed by the Academic Senate and implemented. In summer 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agreed to our negotiation submitted in May 2021 for pooled fringe benefit rates and the Fringe Benefit (Policy 7.4.3) has been updated. More policies are on the Academic Senate's pending issues list for the 2022-23 Academic Year, so further progress on this initiative is expected.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Craig McLauchlan
5.2 Develop a comprehensive professional development center to provide holistic support to instructors throughout their careers
Initiative 1:
A plan to expand and re-envision CTLT and other PD offerings in Academic Affairs to form a comprehensive center that will support the integrated professional development of faculty throughout their career journeys is underway. The new center will house two distinct units: Scholarly Teaching Unit and Online Learning Education Unit, and will also offer support, mentoring, and PD in other areas of academic life such as career advancement/leadership and wellbeing. The center will also partner with the Research Office and Milner Library to advertise, develop, and host new and existing PD sessions to support scholarship and creative endeavors at ISU. The first phase of this project was completed with the hire of two directors.
- The creation of the Scholarly Teaching Unit was possible by merging CTLT and the Cross Endowed Chair for SoTL units to promote an integrated teacher-scholar approach to teaching. The unit will be supported by four professional developers (all current CTLT employees) and graduate students.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Completed. A national search was conducted in Spring 2022 for the Director of Scholarly Teaching and Cross Endowed Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, resulting in the successful hire of Dr. Jennifer Friberg. She began her appointment on June 1, 2022.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Yojanna Cuenca-Carlino - The new Online Education unit formed by using existing resources and personnel from CTLT. This unit will be dedicated to partnering with instructors in the creation and delivery of effective and engaging online, hybrid, and blended learning environments for students at ISU.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Completed. A national search was conducted in Spring 2022, resulting in the successful hire of Dr. Anthony Piña who will serve as the Director of Online Education/Chief Online Learning Officer. He began his appointment on June 1, 2022.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Yojanna Cuenca-Carlino - As of June 1, 2022, the new unit will operate as the Center for Integrated Professional Development, positioned as "Your hub for transformative teaching, scholarship, and career advancement." The second phase of the project is set to begin in Fall 2022 to incorporate professional development for research, career advancement, and life-work balance.
5.3 Support faculty and staff growth, career advancement, recognition, and staff representation in shared governance
Initiative 1:
AP and Civil Service Councils have requested additional representation on Academic Senate and representation on Senate Executive Committe.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Conversations are in progress with an ad hoc committee reviewing the Academic Senate Bylaws.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Amelia Noël-Elkins
5.4 Develop technology or other infrastructures to better highlight faculty accomplishments and support scholarship and instruction
Initiative 1:
Academic Affairs is working in partnership with Technology Solutions to select the next Learning Management System for the institution to support instruction and student learning. An advisory group formed by the end of fall 2021 and continued working during Spring 2022 to evaluate LMS options. A recommendation for the next LMS was submitted by the end of May 2022 to higher level administration and approved by the Board of Trustees. A pilot program of Canvas, the new LMS will begin fall 2022. More information on Next LMS website.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Anticipated full adoption of the new LMS Fall 2023.
Provost Office Point of Contact: Deneca Winfrey Avant and Rosie Hauck
Initiative 2:
Academic Affairs is working in partnership with Technology Solutions to develop a faculty portal to deliver an excellent user experience for ISU faculty with a platform that provides secure and integrated access to data, resources, and systems in support of their productivity and their facilitation of teaching and learning.
Actual or Anticipated Completion Date: Ongoing
Provost Office Point of Contact: Craig Gatto