Yes. In a process approved by Harvard’s IRB board, COACHE will provide our campus with their summary analysis, as well as the confidential unit-record database, stripped of names and e-mail addresses. Strictly for the purpose of the survey, please note that COACH will have access to certain identifiable variables on all faculty members. The 28 variables include name, department, rank and tenure status, gender, race, citizenship, and funding status. While only limited information will be disclosed to ISU, COACH will be linking this information to your responses and retaining it. The data provided to ISU will be received and kept on a secure server by Angela Engel, Director of Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis (PRPA). No other administrator, staff, or faculty member outside PRPA will have access to the unit-record data. The PRPA staff will explore and analyze broad patterns in the data to assist with planning and developing improved academic policies and practices across campus. To protect the confidentiality and guarantee that the results of this survey cannot influence personnel decisions about individual faculty members, staff will disseminate survey results only with data aggregated in cells of five respondents or more, so that individual faculty and individual departments cannot be identified.
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