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Program Review

At Illinois State University primary responsibility for the quality of academic programs resides with faculty at the institution. The purpose of program review is to maximize student learning in academic programs by identifying program elements that are working well and merit continuation as well as aspects of a program that can be improved. Academic programs are reviewed by the Academic Planning Committee, an external committee of the Academic Senate with faculty representation from each college. The work of the committee is facilitated by the Office of the Provost. Program review is carried out in a manner consistent with principles of shared governance at Illinois State and with guidelines established by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE).

  • Schedule

    The Academic Planning Committee is charged with reviewing each degree and certificate program every eight years and each research and service center every four years. See Program Review Schedule 2024-2031.

  • Guidelines

    Guidelines for preparing program review self-study reports due fall 2025 (due to the Provost's office Oct. 1):
    For academic programs
    For research and service centers

  • Outcomes

    Academic Planning Committee review of a program or center culminates in a determination of program status, identification of exemplary aspects of the program, and recommendations for program improvement. In determining program status, the committee is limited by Illinois statutes to assigning one of three categories: In Good Standing, Flagged for Further Review, or Temporary Suspension. The committee may also ask program/center faculty to address issues and report back to the committee through submission of one or more interim (or follow-up) reports prior to the subsequent program review. The committee shares its preliminary findings with program faculty members and solicits their feedback. Once finalized, committee findings and recommendations are reported to the Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees. The current program review status for each program and center of the University may be accessed using the college links in the navigation bar on the left side of this page.

  • Data

    There are three primary sources of data for conducting program review self-studies: academic program profiles, student learning outcomes assessment data, and standard data sets and reports.

    Academic program profiles

    Program-level data are compiled annually for each degree program by the Office of Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis (PRPA). Data are published in documents called academic program profiles.

    Student learning outcomes assessment data

    Two years prior to conducting the program review self-study, program faculty members review and update the student learning outcomes assessment plan that faculty members have adopted for their program. Faculty members then implement assessment activities described in the plan and use assessment results to identify program strengths and actions to improve student learning. Those findings are then incorporated into the program review self-study report. University Assessment Services staff is available to assist faculty with the assessment component of program review as well as with class, department, and unit assessment projects.

    Standard data sets and reports

    The Office of Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis (PRPA) regularly compiles data that program faculty might use to conduct the program review self-study. See University Data, Student Data, and Peer Groups.

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